Notice of General Meeting: Sunday 3 April, 2022
After the cancellation of the previous date, I am pleased to provide Members with notice of a rescheduled Club General Meeting on Sunday 3 April 2022 at 10.00am, with registrations open from 9.00am.
Following the Special Resolution at the Annual General Meeting on 2 December, the Board will present an updated Ordinary Resolution to Members, requesting amended subscription fee increases over the next two years.
While the Board maintains that revenue levels need to improve to subsidise the required maintenance and improvement projects over the next 5-years, the updated proposal provides shorter timeframes and fee changes to ensure projects can proceed as planned.
The Board’s view is that a majority of Members support the idea of a fee increase and understand the intent of such a proposal in assisting the long-term viability of our Club and the continued maintenance of our first-class facilities.
Below is a complete outline of the Ordinary Resolution and proposed fee changes.
With Life members, Full members and Intermediate members all eligible to vote, we look forward to your attendance and continued support of our Club moving forward.
Kind regards,
Gil Cunningham
Yarrawonga Mulwala Golf Club Resort